As the world’s leading manufacturer of well-known and proven testing machines and instruments for the coatings industry, we ensure that our experience and knowledge is incorporated into the development of our products. Our testing equipment meets global requirements on testing technology and exceed international demands on accuracy. "Guided testing since 1910" – For over 110 years, ERICHSEN is known for optimised and innovative high quality testing equipment as well as for excellent customer service in sheet metal testing, surface testing, corrosion testing and materials testing.


Through certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, we at ERICHSEN guarantee the highest product quality and standard-compliant calibrations of our test equipment.


We want to create a sustainable future for our company.


The qualified and dedicated ERICHSEN team combines many years of practical experience with entrepreneurial and team spirit.

Партнеры по дистрибуции

Erichsen sells its high quality products on a global scale via our competent and most valuable distributors. Please feel free to get in contact with one of our Sales Partners.

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