for measuring the residual deformation capacity of coatings by drawing a bead in the wall of a standard 33 mm Ø cup, and measuring the depth of the bead to an accuracy of 0.01 mm. Power supply: 230 volts, 50 cycles, 350 W. Net weight: approx. 42 kg
Испытания листового металла
Bead Test Instrument, Model 227 (accessory)
Order number: 00330131-
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Испытания листового металла
Bead Test Instrument, Model 227 (accessory)
for measuring the residual deformation capacity of coatings by drawing a bead in the wall of a standard 33 mm Ø cup, and measuring the depth of the bead to an accuracy of 0.01 mm. Power supply: 230 volts, 50 cycles, 350 W. Net weight: approx. 42 kg
Model 212
Order number: 01780431
Станок для испытания лакокрасочного покрытия, испытание на вытяжку и глубокую вытяжку ...
Order number: 01780431
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