CALIBRADE-wheels H-38, per pair

Número de pedido: 03522252
Tan, vitrified, sintered, fine grain, very fine abrasion. A non-resilient, vitrified abrading wheel comprised of fine abrasive particles. Designed to operate with 250 or 500 gram loads, the principal use of this wheel is to test woven and non-woven fabrics. Must be refaced using the Taber Wheel Refacer and multi-point diamond tool.


Tan, vitrified, sintered, fine grain, very fine abrasion. A non-resilient, vitrified abrading wheel comprised of fine abrasive particles. Designed to operate with 250 or 500 gram loads, the principal use of this wheel is to test woven and non-woven fabrics. Must be refaced using the Taber Wheel Refacer and multi-point diamond tool.

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