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Condensation test according to DIN EN ISO 6270-2

Testing of corrosion protection systems exposed to condensation (DIN EN ISO 6270-2) to assess the behaviour of coated samples in a humid environment.

The condensation test in accordance with DIN EN ISO 6270-2 allows precise conclusions to be drawn about the behaviour and performance of the corrosion protection. Damage to the coating can therefore also be better recognised.

Test variants according to DIN EN ISO 6270-2

  • CH – Constant condensed water climate
  • AT – Alternating climate with condensed water (change of the air temperature in the chamber)
  • AHT – Alternating climate with condensed water (alternation of air humidity and air temperature in the chamber)
Korrosionsprüfung Sprühdüse

Test method

During the test procedure, demineralised water heated to +40°C evaporates in a protected climatic chamber and condenses on the surface of the coated test specimens under specified ambient conditions.

Kondenswasserprüfgerät 519 Smart Touchpanel

Fully automatic condensed water test

Instruments such as the ERICHSEN HYGROTHERM 519 Smart are additionally equipped with a touch screen. Via the user-friendly menu, the required test parameters are set, which ensure a fully automatic or manual sequence for temperature control, soil water filling, soil water drainage as well as aeration and deaeration. A flow meter ensures the exact and fully automatic filling of the pre-set water quantity. In addition, the HYGROTHERM 519 Smart is equipped as standard with a test chamber illumination for a precise view of the test inside the test chamber even in low light conditions.

For testing in atmospheres containing sulphur dioxide (SO2) according to DIN EN ISO 6988, an electronic gas dosing unit is optionally required.

Kondenswasserprüfgerät Modell 519 Smart

ERICHSEN testing equipment

With ERICHSEN humidity chambers it is possible to measure corrosion through the condensation water climate. The condensation water test is the basis for determining surface corrosion. ERICHSEN condensation water test chambers are designed for standardised individual and mass testing of small and large volume components according to standards such as DIN EN ISO 6270-2.

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