PRINTING PROOFER 628 (compressed air drive)


Order number: 06280851
Basic press-on device, compressed air drive, without pressure attachment


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The PRINTING PROOFER 628 quickly produces high-quality printed proofs using gravure or flexographic inks. By using electronically engraved printing plates and an adjustable printing speed of up to 40 m/min, this instrument has become an indispensable tool for anyone involved in the production and processing of printing inks. It is perfect for making samples for quality control or for presentation purposes to customers. It can also be used for R&D and computer colour formulations.

Scope of delivery

  • PRINTING PROOFER 628 (compressed air drive)
  • High-speed basic device

Technical description

TBE-628.pdf 255.0 KB

Technical data

Drive Compressed air
Width 95 mm
Substrate Paper, Foil
Drawn Down Speed up to 40 m/min
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