Order number: 03340031
Scratch resistance of surfaces, hardness tester in modular and digital version, without test head, compatible with test heads of models 318/435
1790.00 €
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The ERICHSEN SmartPen is used to determine the scratch resistance of surfaces; depending on the used module, it can be used to determine the resistance to scratching, the tendency towards metal marking and the durability of printed markings.

For the hardness measurement of surfaces, there are our since many years well-proven hardness test pencils, models 318 and 318 S as well as models 435 and 435 S, already well established across the branches. With these test devices, the degrees of hardness of paint films, plastic coatings, etc. can be determined, named, documented and communicated in numerical values. No matter whether on a flat or curved surface, small or large, the instrument is always ready for use and, because of it’s small size, easy transportable.

With the ERICHSEN SmartPen, a modular hardness test pencil with digital test force setting and display (resolution 0.05 N) is now available. The SmartPen is supplied in a plastic case with three springs and a USB-C charging cable. If there is no corresponding additional selection in the P.O., the SmartPen is supplied without test head. Depending on the requirements, the user can choose all of the test heads with the corresponding test tools from our hardness test pencils or test rods from the model series 318/435. Also the test heads of existing ERICHSEN test rods can still be used.

Scope of delivery

  • ERICHSEN SmartPen
  • 3 springs (0 - 3 N; 0 - 10 N; 0 - 20 N)
  • USB-C charging cable
  • Plastic box

Technical description

TBE-ERICHSEN SmartPen.pdf 840.7 KB


1Van Laar
3ISO 1518

Technical data

Drive Manual
Display Digital (resolution 0.05 N)
Testing Force 3 force ranges: 0 - 3 N; 0 - 10 N; 0 - 20 N
Scratch profile Van Laar, Bosch, ISO, Opel
Portable / Stationary Portable


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