Model 456-USB

Digital Microscope Model 456-USB

Order number: 02990131
With 20-/40-/200-x magnification, also usable with paint and colour testing machine Model 202 EM


The high-resolution digital microscope 456-USB with built-in illumination (8x white LED, adjustable) for connecting to a PC/laptop is a convenient digital aid for the visual recognition, capture and documentation of damage images and other fundamental issues that the "unarmed" human eye cannot see. Featuring a 2 million pixel CMOS image sensor and a scalable precision measurement function, this digital microscope is ideal for immediate on-the-spot image captures with live view, video, and microscopic-precision imaging.

Technical description

TBE-456-USB.pdf 133.6 KB

Technical data

Size approx. 110 mm x 33 mm
Frame rate max. 30 FPS
Focus range manual focus from 10 to 500 mm
Image sensor 2 MegaPixels (interpolated to 5M)
Light source 8 LED, adjustable
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