Model 111
The Sheet Metal Testing Machine, Model 111 is an electronically controlled testing machine with electro-hydraulic drive and a max. drawing force of 45 kN.
The model 111 is particularly user-friendly due to its functional design.
The clear arranged menu navigation via the touch panel (5 freely programmable programs and tool changes) has password-protected levels, which protect against unauthorized access (such as program changes).
The "Start" screen displays all required parameters, such as the drawing stroke, drawing force and drawing speed. The sheet metal testing machine is also equipped with an inpidually adjustable crack detection system.
Purpose and Application
This Sheet and Strip Metal Testing Machine is especially designed for an easy and quick quality conformance inspection and quality control on sheet and strip metal, but also particularly suitable for production monitoring because of its sturdy construction.
There are important reasons for using the Sheet and Strip Metal Testing Machine, Model 111, for quality assurance:
- Lowering of manufacturing costs by making spot checks on the drawing quality of cold rolled sheet during production or in the process department.
- Sorting out of material of lower quality arriving at the Goods Inwards Department. Without special test preparation it is immediately possible to establish if the material supplied has the prescribed drawing quality.
- Determining the most appropriate sheet thickness for a particular drawn workpiece to optimise the ratio of price to suitability for the manufacturing process.
Quantitative assessment of sheet quality by means of the ERICHSEN Cupping Value provides a basis of communication between sheet metal producers and users. The shape of the crack and the surface roughness (= grain size) provides information of the quality of the sheet metal and its suitability for drawing. Also giving valuable information especially for the sheet metal producer. The good functional layout of Model 111 makes this machine particularly user friendly. The sturdy design and the hydraulic oil system employed ensure that minimum wear is experienced so that a good repeatability of the test results is assured over a long period of time.
This testing machine is available as a work-top model with compact dimensions which requires only a minimum of space. All hydraulic and electronic control and drive units are enclosed in a sturdy sheet metal housing. The necessary control elements and the touch panel are clearly laid-out on the front panel. The test cylinder is installed at an angle, so that the test procedure can be carried out comfortably when seated. It is no longer necessary to open the test head to remove the specimen, as this is automatically released by the hydraulic specimen holder once the test has been conducted. The entire test procedure runs automatically, including crack detection. When carrying out the ERICHSEN Cupping Test the sheet metal specimen in the form of a strip is inserted in the test cylinder and centralised by locating diagonally. After pressing the "Start" button, the specimen with a fixed sheet holder force of 10 kN is pressed against the drawing die. After reaching the sheet holder force, the actual deep-drawing process is initiated.
Scope of delivery
- Sheet and Strip Metal Testing Machine, Model 111
- Test Tool No. 27
- One filling of hydraulic oil
- Operating manual